OCOSBE Constitution & Bylaws



PURPOSE: The organization shall serve as a tool, both for the individual evangelist and the Southern Baptist Convention as a whole, to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ—thus, its shall be:

1. Fellowship among its members—and with all other individuals in the Lord.

2. Provide inspiration to assist its members to more effectively fulfill the ministry to which they are called.

3. Offer to its members a means of expressing the convictions of the Oklahoma Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists to the Oklahoma Baptist General Convention—and to a lost world.

4. Provide opportunity for the evangelists to be a yearly source of inspiration to pastors and laymen of the Oklahoma Southern Baptist Convention.

5. Act as a teaching instrument— sharing with the Convention and pastors the ministry and scriptural gifts of the evangelist, according to Ephesians 4:11-12, as a partner in fulfilling the Great Commission.


MEMBERSHIP: The decisions of this association shall be made by the members who have paid their dues, one vote per membership, If a member, singing group, etc., included more than one person, only two people will be paid for when a meal is provided. This group or membership only has one vote.


1. Complete the Oklahoma Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists Membership application.

2. Attach a brief, typewritten autobiography which includes your family background, salvation experience, call and commitment to evangelism, and any other significant events marking you walk with the Lord.

3. Sign the “Affirmation of Accountability” based on the Lausanne Covenant for Itinerant Evangelists.

4. Obtain your Pastor’s Endorsement Letter with a statement of their involvement in evangelism.

5. Must be a member in good standing of a cooperating Southern Baptist Church.

6. Interview with the president and/or vice-president of OCOSBE

7. Maintain and active membership in OCOSBE

8. Send a current photograph.


DUES for membership shall be $25.00 per ministry. Dues must be paid for voting privileges and for eligibility to serve as an officer and to appear on programs. The vote of the majority of those present shall constitute a binding act of the association. Dues must be received by December 15th of each year.


MEETINGS shall be held annually. Members must be notified as to the time and place of the annual business meeting. At such meetings, the members shall elect Officers and Pastor-Advisor and transact other business as may come before them. Meetings of the officers may be called at any time by the president. Any action required to be taken outside the annual business meeting may be taken by the officers providing they stay within the restraints of the Bylaws.


Officers and Pastor-Advisor shall be elected by the association for a one year term, but may be re-elected for a second year term. At least one year must pass after a two year term for eligibility to be elected to hold the same office.

A. Officers shall be nominated from the floor, and elected by a simple majority of those voting.

1. In the event that no nominee receives a majority, a run off will be held between those who received the largest number of votes of those whose total votes are 50% or more.

2. This procedure will be repeated until one of the nominees receives a majority.

B. The Officers shall consist of: President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasure, Music Director, Assistant Music Director, and Pastor-Advisor.

C. The officers shall serve as the executive committee between sessions.

The Officers and their responsibilities are:

A. President – The President shall preside over the annual meeting of the association and the Evangelist’s Session of the Evangelism Conference. He/She shall appoint committees when necessary. If any office becomes vacant by reason of retirement, disqualification, resignation, or death, the president shall appoint a replacement. The president as authority to write checks.

B. Vice President – If the President’s office becomes vacant by reason of retirement, disqualification, resignation, or death; the Vice President shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President.

C. Secretary/Treasurer – The Secretary Treasurer shall be present at all meetings of the association. He/She shall take and keep full minutes thereof; shall have charge of all records of the association. He/She shall have custody of the association’s funds and shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the association and shall deposit all money in dues in the name and to the credit of the association. He/She shall disperse the funds of the association or may be ordered by the officer to disburse funds, taking proper voucher for such disbursement. He/She shall give report at the annual meeting of the association of whenever an officer requests it; and account of all transactions made as Secretary/Treasurer.

D. Music Director – The Music Director appoints the musicians for the associational conferences. He/She introduces the musicians at the conference.

E. Assistant Music Director – If the Music Director’s office becomes vacant by reason of retirement, disqualification, resignation, or death; the Assistant Music Director shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Music Director.

F. Pastor-Advisor – The Pastor-Advisor serves as the spiritual advisor to the Conference and serves as the Ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.


Voting: Any action required to be taken by the members at a meeting may be taken without a meeting, if a vote in writing setting forth the action so taken, shall be approved by a majority of members. The action must be approved by a majority of the officers. Any action to be taken outside the annual business meeting may be taken by the officers providing they stay with the restraints of the Bylaws.


Amendments: These bylaws may be altered or amended by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of paying dues members present.


Amendment: Dues were increased from $20 to $25 in 2001

Amendment: Dues must be received by December 15th of each year. Amended in 2006

Amendment: The office of Secretary-Treasurer was amended allowing the Secretary-Treasurer to serve an additional year in 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006

Amendment: The office Assistant Secretary-Treasurer was added in 1997

Amendment: The office of Assistant Secretary-Treasurer was eliminated and the office of Co Secretary-Treasurer was added in 2000

Amendment: The office of Co Secretary-Treasurer was eliminated and the office of Hospitality Coordinator was added in 2002

Amendment: The office of Assistant Music Director was added in 2002


Bylaws adopted this 15th day of December, 1989

Bylaws amended this 29th day of January, 2007

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